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Rosicrucian Books



As a member and student on the mystical path, you are in a position to have a greater impact upon our world than you may have ever dreamed possible. Through our collective efforts, the Rosicrucian Quest will continue to manifest, as it has during centuries past, through the thoughts and acts of enlightened individuals who devoted themselves to the Cosmic, humanity and nature.

The age old tradition of which you are a part has equipped us well for the mission before us. Through our acts of service, the Rosicrucian Order, AMORC emerges as the leading advocate of mysticism today and for generations to come.

The legacy left to us by our brothers and sisters of previous generations can only be kept alive through our unrelenting efforts. Through each of us, through AMORC, through the direction and vision of our Grand Lodge the means is established for spreading the light of wisdom into an area of the world dimmed by ignorance and fear.

Like the Rosy Cross brothers of the Fama Fraternitatis, we must ever be aware of the specific goals we hope to accomplish through our Rosicrucian Quest.

To establish mysticism as a viable discipline to serve as the unifying force for the betterment of all peoples.
To elevate the Order as the leading exponent of this path.
To impact humanity in the advancement of the arts, sciences, culture and education.

The Philosophy and ideals of the Rosicrucian Order are perpetuated by the good will and enthusiasm of its members. Members such as you, help to ensure that our fraternity's work will continue for years to come and benefit upcoming generations of Rosicrucians. Such endeavours must also be furthered by material support. Unlike a profit making enterprise, rising costs of materials and labour cannot be readily passed along to the membership. Furthermore, dues alone are often insufficient to meet the costs associated with the spread of the 'Light of AMORC' throughout our jurisdiction.

It is the thoughtfulness of fraters and sorores who make donations or leave a legacy or bequest in their wills to AMORC that supports the Order. Your donation can be of any amount, for every sum is of substantial help. Remember, AMORC is a non-profit organisation, so by law all funds must be used for the purposes of the Order and cannot accrue to any individual.

We hope you have come to understand the magnitude of the Rosicrucian Quest and the need for spiritual and material resources so critical to its survival.

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    Your donation helps allow the Rosicrucian Order to continue its promotional activities and ever increase the communit…



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