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Rosicrucian Books

Rosicrucian, The - Issue 79, February 2020

Rosicrucian, The - Issue 79, February 2020
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Product Information

The Rosicrucian Issue 79, February 2020

1. The Guiding Influence of the Cosmic

2. Mental Alchemy

3. Ancient Civilisations Influenced by the Feminine Principle— The Egyptians

4. The Wonderful World of Stained Glass

5. The Dark Night of the Soul  – Part 2

6. The Enigma of Knights Templar Graffiti

7. Music, Outward Expression of an Inward Desire

8. Think a Loving Thought


Our cover photo shows The Tiger Cave Temple (Thai: wat tham suea) is a Buddhist temple north-northeast of Krabi, Thailand. A sacred site, it is known for the tiger paw prints in the cave, tall Buddha statues and the strenuous flight of stairs to reach the summit. 

Product Code ROSFFCI564
Condition New

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