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Rosicrucian Books

Rosicrucian, The - Issue 84, May 2021

Rosicrucian, The - Issue 84, May 2021
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Product Information

The Rosicrucian Issue 84, May 2021


  1. Reflections on Gratitude 
  2. Find the Gap 
  3. The Foundations of Health - Part 3 
  4. Lonliness 
  5. Life Unfolding 
  6. A Smile 
  7. Paradox of the Warrior Mystics - Part 2 
  8. Alcoholism: Recovering from a Dark Night 
  9. A Living Gift of Love 
  10. Mystical Tradition in Tibet 
  11. Freedom, Give or Take 
  12. Take Peace 
  13. The Day (I thought) I Died

Cover: Pura Ulun Danu Bratan Hindu temple on Bratan lake Bali, Indonesia.
Hinduism is the oldest of the surviving religions in Indonesia, and is particularly well represented on Bali, a serene island, very special in the experience of millions of people who have visited it, beginning with the flower-power generation of the late 1960s and continuing with the week-long package holidays of the 21st Century. Written about in several 19th Century travelogues, the island and its people have, for centuries, exuded a calm spiritual maturity that many in our ailing world would do well to learn from.

Product Code ROS2OFLY16
Condition New

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